The Notorious RBG: Why We Need To Fill That Seat

It’s Not Speaking Ill Of The Dead When They Killed Children

Ruth Bader Ginsberg fought a heroic fight against pancreatic cancer lasting approximately four years, and good for her for stretching her survival out that long. Many physicians won’t give a life expectancy greater than six months for those who have contracted this kind of cancer. It’s sad for her friends, family, and political affiliates that she died. 

However, there are things to consider here beyond mortality. For one, the notorious RBG is responsible, at least partially, for the death of 1/8th to 1/4th of the planet. Globally, since the “landmark” Roe Vs. Wade case of 1973, about a billion abortions have taken place.  Actually, the number may be as high as two billion. 


According to the Guttmacher institute, approximately 46,000,000 abortions took place annually around the world as of 1999. It’s been 47 years since 1973. Multiply 47 by 46,000,000, and you get 2,162,000,000. Now granted, that’s not a totally reliable figure—America averaged around a million abortions a year until the last decade, where that number has receded significantly, and is now about half what it was. 

So it’s safe to say between one and two billion people have been murdered via legal abortion since 1973, and RBG’s fingerprints are on those dead babies. Meanwhile, the global population is under eight billion. So between 1/8th and 1/4th of the global population has been murdered owing to abortion. 

Considerable Losses Not Just To America, But The World

We would have nearly 10 billion people on the planet, if not for RBG. No wonder the death-cult leftists represented by the marxists at the DNC revere this old dead witch. 

They hate human beings, and want us to die, because they believe in sci-fi over tangible facts, and would rather our world be on the cusp of overpopulation than crunch the numbers on national resources and realize overpopulation is a myth

Some Facts You Need To Know

Even more damning are two additional facts to consider. One, there’s no way to corroborate that RBG actually said she didn’t want another supreme court justice appointed until, as she put it, another president were “installed”. This could be something the relative who reported the dying wish said, it will be something that can’t ever be corroborated. 

Regardless if RBG said it or not, dying wishes don’t overrule the constitution, just like frogs don’t fly just because they can jump. So the emotional argumentation in that regard is totally defunct. But the second fact is even more disturbing. In one historic ruling, RBG alluded to sex acts with children as young as twelve. 

The specific wording would find someone guilty of a crime if they drugged or intoxicated a victim “...less than 12 years old.” Ah, so after twelve it’s not a crime, is it? We’re only aware of this because Facebook “fact-checked” a claim that said RBG advocated for lowering the age of consent to 12.

Well, she didn’t exactly say that, fair enough; but the connotation of what she did say would have essentially the same effect by not proscribing penalties appropriately. Accordingly, the fact checkers were just nitpicking, and what an underhanded thing to nitpick. 

The Political Fallout

All that to say this: we MUST “fill that seat!”, as they chanted at the Trump “protest” right after RBG’s passing, and her dying wish means utterly bupkiss given the living travesty which defined her notorious career. 

Right now, there are only eight people on the supreme court, and that means when Biden’s campaign cheats, and Trump’s campaign sues, the case will go to those eight people. If there are an even number of justices, that will ultimately mean a tie, then the president won’t get into office for his second term until after January 21st, leaving Nancy Pelosi in control of the nuclear codes. 

Pelosi thinks she was “set up” by a salon owner when she walked in without a mask, and got caught on camera perpetuating such hypocrisy. Maybe she confused “salon” with “saloon” as the memes have said; but regardless, I don’t want this dingbat in control of the nuclear codes, do you? If we don’t fill that supreme court seat, she likely will be. So Donald Trump has pushed the appointment of a new justice forward. 


That’s as it should be, and doing so is neither illegal, impeachable, nor something which disrespects the dead. In fact, it is more disrespectful to acknowledge what the notorious RBG did in life as good, than it is to castigate her underhanded chicanery after the fact. 

Some Added Perspective

Would you defend somebody who said we shouldn’t speak ill of Hitler after he died? Yet the blood of over a billion babies weren’t on ol’ Adolf’s hands, and he was definitely a wicked conglomeration of evil and insanity. Neither should we genuflect to the wishes of the notorious RBG. 

At any rate, these facts are something to think about, and should help give a little added context to the contemporary hullabaloo in our country. For more hot takes on politics, and good advice regarding vehicles, be sure to explore our blog at Anybody’s Autos!