The Fires And Riots: Marxist Terrorism

Totally Unjustified

Conservatives in many states aren’t allowed to go to church because of the “COVID-19” scam. Yes, there’s a real “novel coronavirus”. No, it’s not nearly so impacting as they’re telling you. Did you know the CDC reported only 6% of all deaths listed as “COVID” were the result of that, and that alone? The other 94% of deaths had comorbidity factors involved, such as diabetes, cancer, or obesity. 

Here’s the straight dope from the Daily Wire: “Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published an update on the data regarding U.S. deaths linked to the China-originated novel coronavirus, or COVID-19. The report included a portion on “comorbidities” and stated that of all the deaths attributed to COVID, a mere 6% of those deaths had COVID alone cited as the cause, noting, ‘For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.’ “ 

So why are we still wearing masks? Why are schools still closed? Why are movie theaters in Gillette and Rapid City not getting mainstream pictures? Why are stores like Menard’s denying people entry unless they genuflect to the lie with a mask? Well, because what we’re seeing is a communist takeover run by China. This was admitted on Tucker Carlson in early September. 

Li-Meng Yan said publicly, in a whistle-blowing session the whole world should know about, that China designed COVID-19 and allowed it to be released. She didn’t speculate why they allowed it to be released, but the economic impact this faux pandemic has had on the rest of the world clearly shows that economic collapse of enemies to China played a role. 


BLM And China

When it develops that Chinese funding can be linked to BLM, the picture becomes more clear. According to Herschel Walker of NFL fame, China helps BLM, who funds the DNC—this is done via “Act Blue”, an organization which functions as a middle-man between donations, the DNC, and BLM. Maybe Herschel is overstating the case, but there are definitely extra-American interests funding internal chaos groups like BLM and Antifa.

For example, George Soros funds Antifa, and this is well-known. In fact, at one point Antifa protestors even protested Soros when he forgot or neglected to pay them. Soros has been linked to both Antifa and BLM; and by his own admission, he helped Nazis confiscate property from the Jews during the national socialist movement which nearly destroyed the world during WWII.

Now this is interesting because China and Soros have been publicly opposed to one another. Yet socialism and globalism have a common enemy: the United States. This may explain why both are working to collapse our country from the inside out using hoodwinked, brainwashed fools like those who make up the ranks of BLM and Antifa.

Remember, by their own admission, the leaders of BLM are Marxist. Patrisse Kahn-Cullors admitted publicly in 2015 that BLM is led by “trained Marxists”. So when you consider these realities, it’s no wonder that the riots are proceeding as they have been, and that in their wake, massive fires have come to the west coast. 

Arson And Newsom

Did you know many fires from Washington down to California are the fault of politically-motivated arson? Here’s an article featuring a BLM activist who deliberately recorded his arson for political purposes in Washington. A brief search on or will show many such arsonists—here are another four.

Meanwhile, back in May of 2020, Gavin Newsom made a $1,000,000,000 deal with China for coronavirus masks. This is the same guy who recently said California will quit producing vehicles that use gasoline by 2035. Ironically, that’s more than five years later than Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’ prediction that the world will end from climate change inside ten years.


The Take Away

AOC is an admitted Marxist. Newsom, Nancy Pelosi’s Nephew, trades with anti-American China, who originated the coronavirus to begin with (they’d be short a billion dollars, minimum, if not for Newsom and Wuhan Coronavirus), and both BLM as well as Antifa follow Marxist ideal and funding from anti-American backers. Both groups feature arsonists. 

Meanwhile, Senator Rand Paul recently noted that terrorism is the aim, goal, and definition of BLM activity. In the linked video, he called them a terrorist organization. So when we see fires, rioting, violence, looting, outright murder, destruction, and loud Marxist rhetoric, what are we to think? And when this persists for months, what does it mean?

Well, this is an armed insurrection consolidated, funded, and organized by foreign enemies to the United States for the purposes of destroying our liberty, and we must stand against it. Donald Trump isn’t perfect, but for 2020, he’s our best bet to avoid not just a civil war, but a global conflict. Because America isn’t the only country in China’s crosshairs.   

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