COVID-19 And The Car Industry

A Substantial Impact

So billions of dollars has been lost in the automotive industry, and it’s going to take years—maybe even decades—for them to fully recover from the impact of “COVID-19”. These losses aren’t strictly necessary, and what happens in the automotive industry will depend greatly on who gets into office come January 20th, 2021. 

Here’s the thing: Biden is a puppet, and he didn’t win the election legally. That’s our opinion at Anybody’s Autos, and you can caterwaul all you like if you disagree; but deep down, you know it’s the right opinion. “Search your feelings, Luke. You know it to be true!” Okay, that’s a cheesy Star Wars reference, but you know it’s on point. 

There’s no way that Biden got 80,000,000 votes. There’s no way he got around 25% more votes than Barack Hussein Obama. If you don’t believe this assessment, consider that Biden’s Thanksgiving remarks live on YouTube only drew about 1,000 live viewers

Now that’s according to Donald Trump and OAN News. But let’s be real. If Biden were legitimate, his Thanksgiving address should have had, at minimum, 1,000,000 live viewers; that’s 1 out of 80 who ostensibly “voted” for him. As of 11/30/2020, the writing of this article, that particular video only has 15,641 views. Y’all, the blighter didn’t win. He lied and stole. 


It All Hinges On The Election

This and many other indicators show his election wasn’t legitimate, but that’s going to keep being disputed in high circles of power, because in the event this is as fraudulent as we all know it is, those who perpetuated the fraud may well have put their lives on the line. Accordingly, they’re going to fight for them. 

By the grace of God our country by and large hopes the fraudsters don’t win. If they do win, it will be the death knell not only for American automotive industries, but for America as a whole. The alternative will be Chinese ownership of manufacturing, and continued lockdowns. Joe Biden’s administration will continue COVID-19 response tactics so long that the country won’t get back to “normalcy” until 2022

Once that time is up, people will be required to have vaccinations just to go out in public. Businesses will have to adopt new infrastructure as pertains to things like vaccination and health protocols, and varying sanctions, taxation, and government controls will force automotive designers and producers out of the country. 

They won’t be able to go far, though, because a Biden presidency will mean initiation of the global “Green New Deal”, which seeks to outmode all fossil fuels worldwide in the next ten years if possible—by 2050 at minimum. In the event this happens, the only automotive producers who survive will be those that have totally electric options. Tesla will dominate, though they’re not alone. Nissan, BMW, Chevrolet, Ford, Volkswagen, and Kia also have electric options. 

“Green” Vehicles Cost More Than Traditional Vehicles

That said, totally electric cars are still more expensive than those burning traditional fossil fuels, so they’re harder for people to attain. This is by design. Part of the green mandate is restricting vehicular travel, and constraining large populations in metropolitan areas where they’re easier to monitor and control. In a Biden administration, methods leading to such outcomes will have full sway. 

COVID-19 will be a bludgeon used to erode personal freedoms, collaterally the automotive industry will almost implode, and likely require government subsidy to continue at all—which is by the design of the socialists and globalists pushing for the dissolution of national sovereignty in America. 

That said, if Donald Trump takes his rightful second term as our 45th POTUS, then COVID-19 restrictions will be eased back, the lies underpinning this Dem Panic (the proper way to say “pandemic” in regard to this faux emergency) will be revealed, and 2020 will just be a speed bump for the automotive industry. Obviously, we here at Anybody’s Autos hope that’s what happens come January. 

The third alternative is that Biden gets in, there’s a national (perhaps even an international) uprising, and when the smoke clears from the war, things start getting back to the “normal” we knew. That’s the most frightening scenario. So if you’re into all things automotive, the best bet is Trump getting in again. 

Here’s Hoping The Right Man Makes It In

The COVID-19 debacle is more political than scientific, everybody knows that, and if the establishment persists in this canard, it will be bad for the country and the world. Certainly this isn’t the politically correct perspective of the facts. However, it’s the harsh truth we need to think about. 

For more information on vehicle trends, best practices, a few jokes here or there, and an unapologetic political angle, be sure to explore our blog at Anybody’s Autos!
